Tag: classic YA

Mini-Reviews: Meet the Austins, When the Stars Align & Scarlet

September 7, 2015 / 3 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Mini-Reviews: Meet the Austins, When the Stars Align & Scarlet

Despite my enduring love for Madeleine L’Engle and my obsession with her lesser-known heroine Vicky Austin, for some reason I never quite got to Meet the Austins. Maybe because I knew that it didn’t involve any of the scientific elements that feature in so many of her later novels, maybe because Vicky is only 12 in this novel. I’m grateful that my book club forced me to finally read it! Meet the Austins is a very sweet middle-grade, and a great introduction to the loving, warm Austin family. Chapters are essentially episodes in the Austins’ lives as they bring spoiled orphan […]

Top Ten Tuesday #12: Best Sequels

September 24, 2013 / 11 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Top Ten Tuesday, Uncategorized
Top Ten Tuesday #12: Best Sequels

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers. This week’s topic was suggested by me awhile back! To me, a really good sequel should take the themes and characters from the first book and advance them so much that you’re sort of knocked off your seats.  In no particular order: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins – I can’t think of a better companion to Anna and the French Kiss – not only […]

Review: Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

April 22, 2013 / 12 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

Sweethearts Author: Sara Zarr Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Format: Hardcover, 217 pages Source: Toronto Public Library Publication Date: February 1st 2008  My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars As children, Jennifer Harris and Cameron Quick were both social outcasts. They were also one another’s only friend. So when Cameron disappears without warning, Jennifer thinks she’s lost the only person who will ever understand her. Now in high school, Jennifer has been transformed. Known as Jenna, she’s popular, happy, and dating, everything “Jennifer” couldn’t be—but she still can’t shake the memory of her long-lost friend. When Cameron suddenly reappears, they […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Janie Face to Face by Caroline B. Cooney

Waiting on Wednesday: Janie Face to Face by Caroline B. Cooney

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating. This week’s WoW pick is the culmination of series that was huge when I was a teen: Janie Face to Face  Author: Caroline B. Cooney Expected publication date: January 2013 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers From Goodreads: In this riveting and emotional conclusion to the thriller-romance Janie series, that started with The Face on the Milk Carton, all will be revealed as readers find out if Janie and Reeve’s love has endured, and whether or not the person […]

Throwback Thursday #3: The Love Stories series!

October 25, 2012 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life
Throwback Thursday #3: The Love Stories series!

Throwback Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books. It’s the nature of book blogging to focus mainly on new releases, but there are thousands of great books out there that haven’t seen the “New Releases” shelf in years. We hope to be able to bring attention to some older titles that may not be at the top of the current bestseller list, but still deserve a spot in your To-Be-Read pile. After I posted about Kieran Scott as one of my favorite contemporary YA authors, I had a bit of a conversation with […]