Tag: books

Birthday Month GIVEAWAY CONTEST: Win The Selection Series, Fall ARCs, book swag, and more!

November 6, 2014 / 89 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Birthday Month GIVEAWAY CONTEST: Win The Selection Series, Fall ARCs, book swag, and more!

Hi guys, it’s my birthday today! And because I am terrible at celebrating my blogoversaries (Mostly YA Lit is 2.5 years old now! YAY!), I like to celebrate my birthday month by having a big giveaway! This time, you have four chances to win – yes, four! And they’re ALL INTERNATIONAL! What are you waiting for?! Get on down there and enter – and thank you so much for supporting me and my little corner of the internet. The first giveaway will have three winners. You will get your choice of two of the following ARCs or finished copies – […]

Destination Reading: Do You Choose Vacation Books Based On Their Setting?

July 4, 2014 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Destination Reading: Do You Choose Vacation Books Based On Their Setting?

Happy Independence Day to my friends in the States! Today I’m thinking about travelling and reading, and how I choose my books. Do you guys ever decide to go some place on holiday, and then discover that it’s the perfect place to read a certain book? For instance, the setting or concept of the book just perfectly fits the time, the place, the location? I was just discussing this with Gillian at Writer of Wrongs, and I realized that I am totally a destination reader. There’s nothing better than going for walks and getting lost in a new city, then […]