Source: Library

Mini-Reviews: The Hating Game, Scrappy Little Nobody & Aimee and the Heartthrob

December 16, 2016 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Mini-Reviews: The Hating Game, Scrappy Little Nobody & Aimee and the Heartthrob

The Hating Game is on my favorites for this year. I read it in one day, one sitting, and I was utterly obsessed 20 percent in. Lucy and Josh work in an office together, and thanks to a merger, they have to sit across from each other and compete for the same job. As a result, the competition and hatred is at an all-time high. They throw witty,  dark insults at each other while both being great at their jobs. Things change when Lucy discovers that maybe the hate is not so hatey after all. Lucy and Josh’s banter is […]

[Giveaway] Open Road Summer: Why It Ain’t Slut Shaming

July 29, 2015 / 36 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Feature, Review
[Giveaway] Open Road Summer: Why It Ain’t Slut Shaming

Open Road Summer was a library read right before BEA14 for me. It stuck with me totally – it was one of those books I just didn’t want to end, where every page there was a moment that made me suck in my breath because it was so perfect. Interestingly, I remember chatting in a line with another blogger, and discussing how she couldn’t deal with the slut-shaming. So when I came home, I started writing this review, and I realized that I needed to address this. Because while the character Reagan does slut-shame girls, there is never an instance where […]

Throwback Thursdays: Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty – review!

October 4, 2012 / 7 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Throwback Thursdays: Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty – review!

Throwback Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books. It’s the nature of book blogging to focus mainly on new releases, but there are thousands of great books out there that haven’t seen the “New Releases” shelf in years. We hope to be able to bring attention to some older titles that may not be at the top of the current bestseller list, but still deserve a spot in your To-Be-Read pile. This week’s oldie-but-goodie is one I’ve mentioned several times in the last few weeks: Review: This book is part […]

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen

September 14, 2012 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen My rating: 3 of 5 stars Review: The Fine Art of Truth or Dare was one of the 2012 releases I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately, I felt that its peculiar structure and its pacing made it a confusing and frustrating read. Plot: Ella Marino is a smart, sassy, 16-year old who is interested in art and art history. In particular, she’s obsessed with Edward Willing, a post-Impressionist artist who was the nephew of the lady who founded her school, the Willing School. Ella comes from a large Italian family […]

Belles by Jen Calonita

August 29, 2012 / 7 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Belles by Jen Calonita

Review: Jen Calonita has a way of getting into your head and making her books can’t-put-down-ers. Belles is no exception. While the premise is a predictable fish-out-of-water story (poor girl suddenly gets rich and has to deal with snobby people), Calonita never lets that stop her from creating a rich characters or a world that is easy to believe in. Izzie and Mira feel real even if the Emerald Cove world that they live in is a fantasy for most people. Izzie is smart, determined and fights for what she wants. Mira is smart, sweet, and a little confused about […]

This is So Not Happening by Kieran Scott

July 20, 2012 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
This is So Not Happening by Kieran Scott

Someone else on Goodreads said that she knew she was going to dislike this book, but she read it anyway and love-hated it. I feel the same way. Kieran Scott really knows how to tug at your heartstrings, and how to realistically portray teenagers. This Is So Not Happening has one of the best portrayals of teen pregnancy I’ve ever read. It wasn’t from the perspective of the mother, which made it unique and interesting. I didn’t like it, I didn’t want to read about it, but Scott did a great job showing how people reacted, and how things changed […]

Divergent by Veronica Roth

July 18, 2012 / 11 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Divergent by Veronica Roth

What is there to say about Divergent that hasn’t already been said? Like a lot of other readers, I felt the plot was very similar to The Hunger Games, but that the writing and world-building didn’t feel quite as strong. That said, I can’t deny that I was completely drawn into this story. The character of Tris was extremely well drawn, and though there were moments that some of the writing tripped me up (particularly the times when Tris repeats things over and over), I loved her spirit and fighting nature. She was strong-willed and physical without losing her humanity. […]