Author: David Levithan

Waiting on Wednesday: You Know Me Well by Nina Lacour & David Levithan

Waiting on Wednesday: You Know Me Well by Nina Lacour & David Levithan

I am SO on this book. Nina Lacour & David Levithan? YES. Two gay teens coming together on one night to figure out their lives? SO YES. Will they fall in love with each other or just help each other with their own issues? Will they take leaps of faith in one night? Will the narrative take place in more than one night? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. And so many heart eyes. JUST GIVE ME THE BOOK. Is You Know Me Well on your To Be Read List? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know and I’ll stop […]

“Sad Beautiful Tragic”: Another Day by David Levithan

August 17, 2015 / 0 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
“Sad Beautiful Tragic”: Another Day by David Levithan

Spoilers for Every Day – but honestly, I’m not convinced that you should pick up this book without reading Every Day first, even though I know it’s written so that you can. If you haven’t read Every Day yet, please go check out my review of that first! Another Day is definitely going to be one of those books that polarizes people – you’re either going to like it or hate it. I fall more on the side of liking, because I really liked Every Day and I’m a person who appreciates literary exercises, even if they don’t seem to […]